Trivandrum Pain Management Centre – Kerala’s First Dedicated Pain Hospital

Pain & Pain Management

Why Choose Us

We're Here To Make Your
Life Better Than Before

Pain is unfortunately something most of our population suffer from and may stem from various conditions in fact more than one-third of the adult population in India suffers from some kind of chronic pain – pain that lasts longer than 3 months. Majority of these people are women and elderly. Untreated back and neck pain, arthritis, neuralgic pain, fibromyalgia, migraine and cancer related pain accounts for majority of these cases.

People have different thresholds for pain and so pain itself can be highly subjective and challenging for the sufferer to gauge, explain or make other people understand. It certainly impacts many people on a daily basis, potentially affecting even the simplest of daily activities.

Because each person’s pain is unique with different underlying causes, effective communication is crucial to achieving proper pain management. For many reasons, many patients and their healthcare professionals encounter barriers that interfere with open and honest dialogue, especially when it comes to treating pain.At Epione Spine And Pain Care Centre, we work hard to understand both you and your pain and give you the relief you deserve. We challenge ourselves to serve you and listen to you because we believe this is the first step towards treating your pain. We view our relationship with you as a partnership with the common goal being getting you to a better quality of life.


Unrelieved pain has major negative effects on one’s life and is associated with many physical, psychological and social changes which become a major health problem. Chronic pain can be excruciating and totally incapacitating. Chronic Pain is now recognized as a disease in itself and not just a symptom (as per WHO).


Pain Management (also called Pain Medicine) is a branch of medicine employing a comprehensive approach for easing the suffering and improving the quality of life of those living with long standing pain. This involves a spectrum of treatment protocols starting from simple medications to varied advanced interventional procedures supported by counselling and rehabilitative measures.

What Is A Pain Management Centre?

A pain clinic is a specialized healthcare facility that focuses on the diagnosis and management of chronic pain. Pain clinics often use a multidisciplinary approach to help people take an active role in managing their pain and regaining control of their life. These programs are focused on the total person, not just the pain. Pain clinics are ideal when a patient is looking at pain relief options which do not involve surgery. These treatment options are focused on relieving pain with minimal impact on life and with a short recovery time of a few hours (compared to recovery periods of 20+ days in case of surgeries).

Our Approach

At the Epione Spine And Pain Care Centre we believe in taking each patient’s individual needs into account first before exploring various pain treatment options. For some patients, it is as simple as managing medications properly or exploring physical or chiropractic options, while for others we may explore alternative options available from an interventional standpoint. For most people, a combination of medical management along with intervention is appropriate. We don’t believe on merely suppressing the pain using pain killers, we identify the cause of pain and treat it.

We will coordinate and work with all your physicians to establish a comprehensive treatment program to provide maximum pain relief and improve your quality of life. This is always our goal.

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